Code of Conduct

Solo Swims of Ontario has a code of conduct and ethics that we will honour in our work with you, and that we ask you to respect as well. We invite you to look over the full statement below. Many of the items will seem like common sense: treat each other with kindness and respect, and observe the norms of marathon swimming. These swims, however, are long and demanding: they’ll take a toll on you and your support team (and of course on us). When waves are crashing and both swimmer and crew are exhausted after long hours on the open water, that’s when we all need to remember the things that seemed so obvious back on shore! We’ll do our best to honour these standards under the most demanding conditions, and we ask you and your team to do the same.

SSO Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy (last revised: April 2021)


1. The following terms will have these meanings in this document: 

a) “Individuals”- All individuals engaged in activities with Solo Swims of Ontario, including but not limited to, board members, swimmers, volunteers, coaches, captains, and crew.

b) “Camaraderie”- Respect for others, for property and equipment, and honouring the history and spirit of marathon swimming. 

c) “SSO” – Refers to Solo Swims of Ontario, Inc.

d) “Code” and “Policy” - refer to this Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy. 


2. The benefits and privileges of SSO participation are balanced by responsibilities and obligations described in this Code, which identifies standards of behaviour expected of all Individuals.


3. The purpose of this Code is to clarify expectations of appropriate behaviour, consistent with the values of SSO, that ensure a safe and positive environment within SSO programs, activities and events. 

4. Conduct that violates this Code may result in dismissal from SSO activities, including restrictions on future participation with SSO.

Application of this Policy

5. This Policy applies to conduct that may arise during the course of SSO’s business, activities, and events, including but not limited to marathon swims, open water events, training camps and related events, workshops, travel, and meetings.

6. This Policy may also apply to conduct outside of SSO business and events when such conduct threatens the safety of SSO events, or undermines the effectiveness of SSO as a safety and ratifying body for marathon swimming, including reputational concerns.


7. SSO is committed to a respectful and inclusive environment. To this end, all Individuals have a responsibility to:

Ethical conduct, including respect for the dignity and self-esteem of all Individuals by: 

Board/Committee Members 

8. In addition to section 7 above, Board Members of SSO will: 


9. Where an Individual issues a complaint about any person or issue, they should confidentially communicate this immediately to a board member.


10. In cases described by 9(c), the SSO board President will, in consultation with the board, establish a sub-committee to consider the appeal.